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Thai in a jiffy

Probably the thing I love most about traveling is the culinary adventures - the hunt for that ever famous restaurant and finding out what the fuss is all about or just stumbling upon some hidden gem of a food joint with the tastiest most authentic dishes gives me more thrills than finding a bargain at the malls.

 A year ago I am fortunate enough to travel to Bangkok Thailand with my family and boy did we eat! me and my dad were even brave enough to snack on fried crickets! yes crickets! I thought it would be icky but when you get pass the fact that they are once moving bugs you get know that they taste like crispy fried shrimps, kind of sweet and crunchy, it was good enough for me!

I was kinda missing Thai food and so stumbling upon an instant Pad Thai pack at the grocers I had a quick idea of making a Thai themed Thursday dinner. I decided on making the Pad Thai and some chicken satay - I had once tried to make the peanut dipping sauce from internet recipes but it was a failure... the sauce I made wasn't the chunky kind but it was smooth like thinned out peanut butter - I didn't like the texture and so I decided to try making the sauce from a kare-kare (peanut stew) mix and though not authenthic enough it was at least a bit closer to the real thing! sorry no exact recipe here - it's all instant folks!!

chicken strips seasoned with salt and pepper and dredged in a bit of flour and fried to perfection, satay sauce made from peanut stew mix with added chili flakes and crushed peanuts

instand Pad Thai from a pack with added veggies and chicken strips, crushed peanuts, chili flakes and spring onions

Thai dinner in a jiffy! experiment success!!!


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